A teacher can sleep with a 15 year old and be shamefully and morally wrong. That is it! No prison, DEFINITELY not! Yeah!!!

Till now it was a sexist, misogynistic, patriarchal AND jocular rhyme,

तुम्हारा ख़ून, ख़ून ; हमारा पानी! तुम करो तो प्यार, हम करें तो बलात्कार!!!!

“Let’s see…

An adult woman rapes a male child, and the court wants the (now adult) child to takeresponsibility.
Here’s the lesson in this:
Hey ladies, if you want a child, and don’t want to pay for it’s upbringing, GO RAPE A KID!!!


Statutory rape victim forced to pay child support

PHOENIX — Nick Olivas became a father at 14, a fact he wouldn’t learn for eight years.

While in high school, Olivas had sex with a 20-year-old woman. As he sees it now, she took advantage of a lonely kid going through a rough patch at home.

State law says a child younger than 15 cannot consent with an adult under any circumstance, making Olivas a rape victim. Olivas didn’t press charges and says he didn’t realize at the time that it was even something to consider.

The two went their separate ways. Olivas, now 24 and living in Phoenix, graduated from high school, went to college and became a medical assistant.

Then two years ago, the state served him with papers demanding child support. That’s how he found out he had a then-6-year-old daughter.

“It was a shock,” he said. “I was living my life and enjoying being young. To find out you have a 6-year-old? It’s unexplainable. It freaked me out.”

He said he panicked, ignored the legal documents and never got the required paternity test. The state eventually tracked him down.

Olivas said he owes about $15,000 in back child support and medical bills going back to the child’s birth, plus 10 percent interest. The state seized money from his bank account and is garnisheeing his wages at $380 a month.


He has become one of the state’s 153,000 active child-support cases, according to the Arizona Department of Economic Security division of Child Support Services.

In May alone, payments were not made in 49 percent of those cases, according to the agency.

Olivas’ fear has turned to frustration.

He wants to be in his daughter’s life and is willing to pay child support going forward. But he says it’s not right for the state to charge him for fees incurred when he was still a child himself or for the years he didn’t know the girl existed.

“Anything I do as an adult, I should be responsible for,” he said. “But as a teenager? I don’t think so.”

Situations such as Olivas’ are rare, according to fathers-rights advocates. But cases in several states have garnered attention. Although there has been some public outcry over charging a crime victim with child support, the courts have consistently said states have every right to do so.


The most well-known case was of a Kansas boy who, at age 13, impregnated his 17-year-old baby-sitter. Under Kansas law, a child under the age of 15 is legally unable to consent to sex. The Kansas Supreme Court in 1993 ruled that he was liable for child support.

“We don’t see those cases very often, and we’re really glad for that –”
attorney Janet Sell, chief counsel with the Attorney General’s Office’s Child and Family Protection Division

California issued a similar state court ruling a few years later in the case of a 15-year-old boy who had sex with a 34-year-old neighbor. In that case, the woman had been convicted of statutory rape.

In both cases, it was the state social-services agency that pursued the case after the mother sought public assistance.

“The Kansas court determined that the rape was irrelevant and that the child support was not owed to the rapist but rather to the child,” said Mel Feit, director of the New York-based advocacy group the National Center for Men.

In Arizona, the Department of Economic Security oversees child–support enforcement. Its written policy is not to exempt situations like Olivas’ from child-support responsibilities, unless the parent seeking child support has been found guilty of sexual assault with a minor or sexual assault.

“We don’t see those cases very often, and we’re really glad for that,” said attorney Janet Sell, chief counsel with the Attorney General’s Office’s Child and Family Protection Division.


But DES officials said the intent of the rule is to ensure that the child, who had no control over the situation, is cared for.

Feit said if the roles were reversed and the woman was the victim, the scenario would be unthinkable.

“The idea that a woman would have to send money to a man who raped her is absolutely off-the-charts ridiculous,” he said. “It wouldn’t be tolerated, and it shouldn’t be tolerated.”

Feit said the basic legal premise of a rape is that the victim can’t be held responsible. And with statutory rape, even if the victim participates, he or she can’t be held responsible.

“We’re not going to hold him responsible for the sex act, so to then turn around and say we’re going to hold him responsible for the child that resulted from that act is off-the-charts ridiculous,” he said. “It makes no sense.”

Arizona also has no exemption for children born to children, although the state cannot get a court order for child support against the non-custodial parent until that parent becomes an adult.

It also doesn’t matter to the state whether the non-custodial parent knows about the child or not. Child support is a separate legal issue from custody.

The state requires parents seeking public assistance under the state’s welfare programs to first pursue child support. The child-support payments then are used to help reimburse the state for assistance payments.

“They have to comply with us,” said Scott Lekan, DES child support operations administrator. “We’re trying to keep them off the cash assistance, and we’re trying to get back some of the cash assistance money. It benefits everybody at the end of the day.”

The state has more routes than the courts to acquire money from a parent. It can garnishee wages up to 50 percent of disposable income. It can take a tax refund. It can put a lien on a home or a vehicle. It can suspend driver’s licenses or revoke passports. And it can seize money out of bank accounts.

“Our biggest source of income is from income-withholding orders to employers,” Lekan said.

Under Arizona’s child-support formula, non-custodial parents may keep their first $903 to cover their own living expenses. A child-support payment amount is then set based on the remaining money.

Olivas is trying to fight some of the child-support costs, but says he can’t afford a lawyer.

He also is trying to see his daughter.

“I lost my mom at a young age. I know what it’s like to only have one parent,” he said. “I can’t leave her out there. She deserves a dad.”

More news stories:

Sent from my phone so please excuse any possible typos that this iPhone almost always catches. But then, we all are mistake prone humans!Do we seriously think that a female teacher sleeping with a male pupil is on a par with a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil? I don’t. And neither, I’d wager, would most 15-year-old boys.”
“This is why, in my view, a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil amounts to statutory rape, whereas a female teacher sleeping with a 15-year-old male is a far greyer moral area.”

;The Observer, Sunday 29 November 2009

The male teacher is a pervert, a beast, a monster driven by his rampaging misogyny, who has soaked up society’s shameful objectification of women and sees them as his plaything. The female, of course, is probably confused, mentally vulnerable, or just in need of some affection.


This shameful liaison does not deserve prison

Looking at the case of Madeleine Martin, the 39-year-old RE teacher and mother of two, jailed for 32 months and placed on the sex offenders’ register for sleeping with a 15-year-old male pupil, do we seriously think that a female teacher sleeping with a male pupil is on a par with a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil? I don’t. And neither, I’d wager, would most 15-year-old boys.

The issue shouldn’t be taken lightly. All teachers, male and female, are in a position of trust and should not abuse it, though reading of Martin and the boy having sex in car parks, of her buying him mobile phones and tattoos with her name on “so he wouldn’t forget her”, of her failing marriage and terminally ill sister, Martin seems more pathetic than predatory.

Certainly, she has been severely punished for her nine-day tryst with the teenager, who, his mother says, has been mocked by peers. If anything, one would have thought they might be jealous. The internet is awash with sites dealing with “older woman teacher-pupil” fantasies. And there lies the rub – should the law be treating male and female pupil victims equally when male and female teenagers are so different?

Whether we like it or not, secondary schools are hubs of teenage sexuality. However, while girl and boy teenagers deserve the same protection, crucially what they want seems very different.

There are always exceptions, but surely one of the essential differences between the teenage sexes lies in the onset and manifestation of sexuality. Which is a posh way of saying that teenage boys mainly want sex, while teenage girls mainly want attention. Likewise, while teenage boys are usually sexually driven, teenage girls tend to be validation-driven.

This seemed to be the case when I was supping my can of Vimto in the fifth form common room trying (and failing) to look alluring and still rings true today.

When I interviewed young people on this topic, it was clear: girls (still) only invited censure by being sexually active, while for boys it was (still) win-win: excitement, experience (“practice,” one called it), bragging rights, kudos.

From here, it is not too much of a leap to surmise that sexual contact with a teacher would have entirely different effects on the teenage sexes. For most boys, it would be the score of all scores, for girls, the ultimate exploitation of their genetic vulnerability.

While a large proportion of teenage boys may not have the sense to make the best choices, they are “up for it,” none the less. This is why, in my view, a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil amounts to statutory rape, whereas a female teacher sleeping with a 15-year-old male is a far greyer moral area.

Even from the perpetrator’s side there seems to be a gender difference. Most would agree that a male with a 15-year-old girl would be all about sex. With Martin, (the mobiles, the tattoo “so he wouldn’t forget her”), it seems painfully apparent that in her own damaged, wrong-headed way, she was attempting to mimic a proper relationship.

Maybe it is time for society to address this issue honestly. Why do we blithely accept that “men and women are different”, but refuse to acknowledge that the teenage sexes are also different? Does anyone believe that males and females suddenly become different, at, say, 21?

Once we accept this difference, the justification for the equality of punishment starts blurring. In Martin’s case, with her hefty prison sentence, and placement on the sex offenders’ register, she has effectively been punished exactly the same as a man. What we have to ask ourselves now, is, knowing what we do about teenage boys, do women like her always commit exactly the same crime?

Men kings of the kitchen? Making a meal of it, more like.
Sex ho gaya, aao roti banayein!

A new survey declares men to be “masters of the kitchen”. The same survey, commissioned by Wickes kitchens and bathrooms, says men are to be found in the kitchen for more than seven hours a day. Which means they must come home from work and refuse to leave their culinary sanctum until bedtime – which sounds unlikely. Though not as bizarre as the statement that men now spend the most time cleaning the kitchen and washing up after meals. Pull the other one – it’s got balsamic on it.

I have known truly fabulous male cooks, and some absolutely dreadful ones, even worse than me, who could burn ice cream given enough time. However, I have yet to meet a man who automatically clears up after himself or who uses fewer than 17 pans to cook a “light supper”. In my experience, “male cooking” is often reminiscent of the everlasting gobstopper machine in Willy Wonka, involving an endless series of clunking, clanking bells and whistles, and then – finally – this tiny little thing pops out. Mind you, I prefer the chaotic well-meaning guys to the creeps who force you to smell their pots of fresh herbs or pompously drone on about the need for “love” in food, which always struck me as a bit ambitious. Nobody expects to find something as heady as love in a packet of crisps, so why look for it in Parma-wrapped monkfish?

The good news is that, despite what this survey says, most men would be big enough to admit that they’re really only interested in Marco/Heston, high-end ,show pony cooking, at weekends or for guests. The daily grunt work is still mainly left to women, who, like the kitchen SAS, aim to get in and out as fast as possible.

I don’t pretend to be qualified to speak. On the rare occasions when I’ve cooked for grown-ups (not gullible children), it hasn’t gone well. I’m not sure if there is a correct mindset for guests as they leave – but I’m guessing “depressed, confused, pissed and starving” isn’t covering it. Saying that, spare me the myth of the master of the kitchen. If modern women choose to spend less time in the kitchen, it’s because historically we’ve seen rather too much of it. Only a man would consider it a treat to linger there.

Oh, and could everyone please fucking STOP with this horrific, hackneyed, fairy tale nonsense that women are always after something else when they have sex. I know it’s a bit more complex and oblique for women but do you have no biological urges at all? Do you never just want sex, because you’re a human being and you need sex? Really? Is it all just shoe shopping and bitchy one-upmanship? Because if it is, permission to stop giving a tiny little fuck about the feminist movement.


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